Band Geek Fun
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

Oboeboy's corner

Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room


The page devoted to band geekativity!
OK, this is the page for displaying the reasons why being a band geek has it's advantages and disadvantages. Oh heck, it's a humor (or not) page. E-mail me if you have any suggestions!

Latest Update:

I've completely revamped this page, considering, yeah, you could say it was kinda plagerism. Oh well. Here's some other weird stuff.

Band Horoscopes

Flute: If you're a flute, you're more than likely to be polite, outgoing, fun, and a bit of a ditz.
Most Compatable With: Oboes, clarinets, some trombones and trumpets
Least Compatable With: Tuba, some percussion, and the conductor (on account of the baton nearly poking your eye out)

Oboe: Oboes tend to be very tempremental, and have a slight bit of an ego problem. A bit of an overacheiver, but very friendly and outgoing.
Most Compatable With: Flutes, clarinets, basically all sections of the band.
Least Compatable With: Nobody (with the exception of some people in the percussion section)

Clarinet: Smart, funny, and friendly. The intellectual one in the band
Most Compatable With: Flutes, oboes, french horns, some trumpets