Oboeboy's corner
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

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Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room



6/4/03 Oboeboy

I'm way too lazy to update this constantly. We got beaten by Thoreau at Busch Gardens, I got 4th chair Symphonic at Woodson, and I got a solo trophy. Oh, and I was sick for solo and ensemble. Not much happened, overall.

2/18/03 Oboeboy

Well, All-District band has come and gone, I now have an English Horn, I made the first cut for TJ. Not much really.

1/11/03 Oboeboy

First Chair All District. I am truely the master of the Woodwinds. Now, for my grade six solo and ensemble piece and finishing my plan to get a Loreé oboe...

12/30/02 Oboeboy

Recently I'vebeen too busy to update the site... oh well. Anyways I got a Handel book on Saturday from Foxes Music... God that thing is crazy!!! Lots of fast tricky rhythms positioned on UPBEATS!. I think I have a relatively good control over it, however (its only Handel), so I'll probably play one of the pieces for Solo and Ensemble.

12/16/02 Oboeboy

Got Legend of the Sword (finally!!!). After some trouble sightreading the triplet 16th runs they are now completely under control. Acutally not that hard of a peice, no insanely tricky rhythms at all, just fast stuff.

12/07/02 Oboeboy

Took The TJHSST test today. Maybe I'll get in. One thigs for sure, I'm positive that the prep course helped. They are so desperate for musicians that as long as I make the first cut I'm home free pretty much. Than I can be with my other Sudler Homies that went there (that would be Jordan and John Jarvis), as well as Gray (he's bound to get in).

12/05/02 Oboeboy


11/29/02 Oboeboy

I hope everyone gave thanks for music yesterday. Did you know that 45,000,000 turkeys gave up their lives in these past few weeks for Turkey Day? Anyway I am recovering from a mild cold from exaustion, and I should be fine by Monday. QUARTET UPDATE: I got the music today. We are going to have tons of fun!!!!!!!!

11/27/02 Oboeboy

Finally, after pestering Mr Kosko for 2 days I got my copy of Emperata Overture back. Remember Sudler Band Members that piece we played at the very end of last year? The very last piece we all played together? that was it. I miss you guys...

11/26/02 Oboeboy

I thought I updated this yesterday... Anyways after my lesson last Thursday my teacher (Mrs. Baughman) told be that I sohuldn't be playing any Mozart or Bach for at least 3 more years. I stopped to think yesterday about where I will be in 3 years. First Chair Woodson Symphonic Band? Or will I somehow make it into TJ? First Chair is fairly likely, regarding on how I will be the oldest Oboist at Woodson (not sure about TJ). Take time to think about where you will be in 3 years, even if its only for a moment.

11/20/02 Oboeboy

Got this page up. Expect to see lots of stuff in the future. HTML is so much fun! Anyways, this part of the site will have the news from the Frost Band in MY perspective.

This is the coolest Oboe in the freaken world!!! I want it!

MY Other Obsession


Again, Mr Kosko probably has something to do with this image.