Fluteygal's Hidaway (GO FLUTES!!!)
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

Oboeboy's corner

Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room


Fluteygal's corner: all the weird stuff that you never wanted to know bout my obsessions!

New: The Ultimate Band Geek Quiz!


If anyone gives a crap, I have random band geek awards that i've won on the bottom of this page.

March 24th, 2004

Um... it's been a while, hasn't it? well. i'm getting the band dictionary updated. Man, they actually bothered to have the rich text editor thing on this now! yay! ^^ heck, who cares if i'm the only one updating. it's cool. ^^

Oh, and we got straight ones at district! ^^ concert two got this one 2 from a judge... oie. o well

September 27th, 2003

Holy shit, when's the last time i updated this thing?? *puzzled look* anyways, Woodson Band has been fun lately. I sprained my ankle, therefore can't march, and therefore, hafta play pit. Kinda crazy. First, Mrs. Hall wanted me to play timpani, then Mr. Bubeck wanted me to play Marimba, then he switched me to bells, then Mrs. Hall wanted me to switch to timpani, THEN Mr. Bubeck told me to play bells, just on the Marimba. SOMEONE HELP ME HERE!
Well, all next week we have an incredibly tight schedule. Monday and Friday we have a game. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we have practice. Saturday we have the Mt. Vernon Classic competition all day. If you add that all up, we have marching band everyday of the week! WOW...

September 5th, 2003

i'm BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! Well, since school has started and so has band season, i'l be updating this page frequently now (dunno about kris doing the same tho). And i'll soon explain things as they go along. hehe. I'M BAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

July 16th, 2003

my life is crazy. somebody can come here and kill my now

July 15th, 2003

Hey hey hey, peeps! we had our flute sectional last night, but hardly anyone from concert 2 showed up. oh well. i might get mai piccolo sometime soon, but i dunno if there's an opening for picc on the marching field... i dunno. i guess i'll buy it later. and if there is a spot open, i'll just use one of the school piccs temporarily (even if that sux)
i'm at culmore boys and girls club of america. i'm takin care of the little kids now. lol. theyr'e adorable!! and there's this awsome girl named illiana. she's cool! she's an orch dork tho. lol.
another bit of news: barnett and i broke up. oh well. it was good while it lasted.

July 4th, 2003

Happy 4th of july, folks! (even if i'm not in the US to experience it myself. the korean independence day is in august tho: pretty close.) I've been SO BORED. i haven't been skating in a while... WAH! I NEED TO PRACTICE!!!!
I haven't memorized too many of my marching band music yet... i'm so dead! i've memorized some of gloria, nessum dorma, and i've memorized all of the victors, the star spangled banner, and reveille (if that's how u spell it). apparently i'm the only one updatin the site anymore... hm.

July 2nd, 2003

Hello! I'm still in korea and i'm headin bac in 9 days. *yawn* so bored... if you guys care, read my xanga. www.xanga.com/xkrnxfluteygalx

June 26th, 2003

Hey guys. been a bit busy to update. We have two new members: tim and scott. Tim begged me, so i let him (finally) and dave gave scott permission.

June 20th, 2003

Wassup peeps? I'm in Korea! And i saw mai lil cousins! AND THEY ARE SO CUTE!!
Well, the plane ride was a torture. We took our first plane to Minneapolis (which is in Minnesota: i didn't figure that out until we were on our way to Japan, lol). I threw up on the plane since i didn't take mai airsick meds. Then I was stuck on the plane for 13 hours from Minneapolis to Tokyo. then i was on the plane for 2 hours from Tokyo to Inchon, which is where I am now. Details later: i'm still jetlagged.

June 15th, 2003

HEHE. Countdown to Korea: 4 more days! YAY!

June 13th, 2003

K, here's what happened.
I was at the dinner dance last nite with a bunch friends, floating around from group to group. Well, during the first slow song, I was in a group with Barnett, Sam, and Brian. Barnett asked me to dance, and it just clicked. And for anyone who still doesn't get it, yes, Barnett and I are going out.

June 12th, 2003

NM. We got our marching band music last nite, and the dinner dance is tommorrow nite.

June 8th, 2003

Bored, nothing to do, and i think i have anotehr sinus infection. *sigh*. What is it with the concert 3 people dissing symphonic band?!?!?!

June 7th, 2003

SO TIRED. I was out since around 10 this morning to head over and see where the building where i'm ssupposed to get mai passport. Well, it took us about an hour to get to DC and back, then eat lunch, then go to the mall to get mai dinner dance dress (which i finally got! YES!) and it was about 6:30 when we went grocery shopping, so i'm all blah now. O wel. I don't hafta be at school on friday since i hafta get my passport that day so yay!

June 6th, 2003

BOOYAH! I'M HEADIN OVER TO KOREA FOR THE SUMMER! ^.^ Of course, i'll be updatin the site from there, and everything will be in english (hehe). Then we hafta figure out what to do with the site after dave and I leave Frost... Of course, Kris'll be on the site, but we need to get some people to run it and help her: look at what we've done with three people here!

June 4th, 2003

*YAWN* I'm supposed to be doing my budget project for civics, but heck. I'm takin a break. (Fine, so hey, I'm stalling... I've been working on this for two hours straight!!!! ACK!!!!) So sleepy...
Band class was pretty cool. Mr. Koskos handed out the Simpsons (hehe. Cool piece) which is pretty easy. He handed out some other sightreading stuff too. Gr. I gotta get back to the project.

June 1st, 2003

HEHE! Busch Gardens was AWSOME!!! ^.^ OK Here's what happened:
We were on the bus and it turns out that every single one of us brought a Game Boy of some kind or another, so we all played the Game Boy for a while. We finally got to Jamestown High and performed. Symphonic Band sounded awsome: I didn't rush my solo for once, and Dave, Karen, Tommy, David, and Michelle's solos were awsome. We got off and got our pictures taken. We had our wonderful formal picture which I find boring, but then we got our informal pic taken. Tommy put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Whohoo!" or something like that. I put my arm around his shoulder, held up my flute, and started screaming loudly. ^.^ Then we went back in and listened to Thoreau's Concert 2 band play, which was pretty good. Our Concert 3 coulda beaten them except for the fact that one of out percussionists kept messing up. *sigh*. After all our bands performed, Mr. Kosko asked us whether we wanted to hear the Thoreau Symphonic Band perform or not. Kris, Tommy, and I really wanted to, but turns out that we're the oddballs of the group. So we headed off to the park. Hehe. I thought I had a Busch Point but turns out Mr. K took off one Busch Point so I didn't have any anymore. So I waited for Josh and Brian who had a Busch Point. Paul and I headed off towards the ice cream shop to get some ice cream. We headed back holding our ice cream only to have Josh and Brian start saying that they wanted some too. So I headed back to the shop with their money and bought them some of the cookie dough ice cream and headed off towards Alpengiest with Josh, Brian, Paul, and Keller. Hehe: Brian was scared half to death about riding the thing, so we dragged him off to the front seat. I was sitting next to him on the roller coaster. He started cussing at the thing in the middle of the ride. ^.^ He was sayin something along the lines of "**** you, you *****" Let's not get into details here. So we spent the day going around the park riding rides. Then came the awards ceremony. Frost's chorus did pretty well, but our bands kinda stunk. We did a lot better last year. Of course, last year we didn't have to go up against Throreau. I can't remember anything we got except that Oboeboy and Karen got solo awards for Prairiesong. Hehe, Oboeboy had his huge english horn smile on his face. I have a pic of that: i'll stick it on the site when i get the chance. lol. Anyways, on the bus ride home, I slept for most of it. Ross kept trying to keep me up so I could watch "The Young Frankenstein", but hell, I sleep like a rock. So I slept for two hours, and pretended to sleep for the last hour of the ride. So I was just there listening to Ross talk about me. He started pelting pistachio shells at my head. I "woke up" and told him I had head every single word he had said. Let's just say that Ross is dead meat 7th period on monday. *evil laughter fills the room*

May 29th, 2003

Hi peoples. I'm in the middle of my civics class right now: ms. hennigan is giving us a little break. Yay. My civics teacher rox!!! ^.^
Anyways, I'm getting ready for the Busch Gardens trip tomorrow... ACK!!! I have a solo!!! I'll probably be shaking half in my seat, causing my vibrato to go crazy, and making me sound SUCKY... OMG, I'm a nervous wreck...

May 24, 2003

Hey peeps. *sigh* good day today...
Best News: I've gotten 4th chair symphonic band at Woodson, and my friend Catherine got third. The scariest part is that there was only a 3 point difference between Catherine and me!!! I might actually have a shot! Of course, Catherine and I are great friends and we still will be if we challenge each other.
Another bit of great news: I'M GETTING A PICCOLO!!!!! AND MAYBE EVEN A SONARE FLUTE!!!! YAY!!!!! omg. YES!!!!
Anyways, there was this big band gathering at the ice skating rink last night. I originally invited only Catherine and Dave, but then I invited Josh who brought Sage along (awww... how cute...) and invited Kris, Clara, and Tina, and Clara brought Shane along, and George overheard we were coming so he came with Eric, and Terry came. So I was there with 10 of my fellow band buddies (except Sage and Shane, but Shane used to play oboe). FUN!!!

May 18th, 2003

Hehe. Just read Kris's update on about the Fairfax Wind Symphony. lol. I added the koskoisms (AND YES THEY ARE CORRECT). Mr. Kosko thinks i'm a nut to go to the concert, but hell i'm a band geek and proud of it. ^.^
On another note tho, us poor 8th graders have SOLS to worry about tomorrow... this is so evil. What's the point in standardized testing? Are we all brought down to this level where we hafta pass a state test to be considered "intelligent"? I mean, how do you set a standard for intellegence??? I babysit a kid who has a mental disability, but he's smart in his own way... *Sigh* all these standards...
Anyways, Michelle, Elaine, and I are gonna have out challenge. It's supposed to be tomorrow, but that's when the trumpets have their sectional. Flutes have a sectional on Tuesday.

May 11th, 2003

GRRR. I've had a sore throat since saturday, so I've had no time to practice at all... This sux. Dunno. Mebbe I'll ask Michelle about changing the date of the challenge.


LOL. I just got the results out of the "which instrument should u b playing??" site, and here's the list from best to worst:
1: Saxophone
2: Clarinet
3: Oboe
4: Bassoon
5: Baritone
6: Bass Clarinet
7: Flute
8: Bari Sax
9: French Horn
10: Trumpet
11: Any reed intrument
12: Trombone
13: Drums
14: Tuba

Hmmm, mebbe I should switch to sax... I know how to play it kinda...
btw, here's the site:

May 8th, 2003

I got mai flute back on Saturday, and i did the audition. Can't remember anything, tho, considering half the time i was trying not to hypervenhilate...

Once again, Michelle, Elaine, and I will be having a challenge this Tuesday. Best of luck to all three of us.

May 1st, 2003

My flute's STILL in the shop and my audition is in 5 days!!!! ARGH!!!!! Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day, Bad day... Let's see, a small incident in civics, one in band, and a big one in Algebra (anyone with Sleevi 3rd period should know...)

April 29th, 2003

WAH!!! My flute's been in the shop for the longest time. It was supposed to be back during the weekend!!! GR. I've been playin on my Bundy, which isn't half as good as my Yamaha. GR. And Woodson auditions are coming up. I need to practice on my Yamaha before the auditions get any closer. ERRRR!!!!!

April 22nd, 2003

Grr... Is it just me or am I really mad lately? Ugh... My Yamaha's in the shop because someone sat on it, so I've been on my Bundy for 2 days. It was REALLY screwy today. My low notes were screwing up, and we were playing "Stirling Castle" of all things (which is lower than most pieces). Great...

April 13th, 2003

Hellos... Grr. Dave's been out since about four days ago since he was sick, and i think i have the same thing he does... O wel. I still wento to solo and ensemble festival yesterday (FLUTE CHOIR ROX) and we did really well. Of course, I wasn't feeling well at all the night before ("it felt as if there was a 50 lb. cannonball bouncing around in my head) and it didn't get much better when i got there. Well, I lived. I still dunno what our score is, tho. *sigh*

April 10th, 2003

We had a bunch of Woodson people come to give us the little presentation on the high school band life. Poor Oboeboy is/was sick, so he missed it. (Dave: Why do I always have to miss the good days?) Poor Dave... *snickers*

April 6th, 2003

I'm so sore!!! Just got back from what seemed like the most hilly bike ride in the world. Oie... O well. I've got a good bit of news: I might start horseback riding (I used to ride a lot. Now I don't.)

April 1st, 2003

Great job on the challenge to all the firsts. Sorry, I kinda did something REAL STUPID after the challenge.
Anyways, I've started up these really neat caricatures of my fellow band members. I have ones of Kris, Dave, Paul, Keller, and Brian. If u wanna see them, ask me at school or e-mail me.

March 31st, 2003

ARGH!!!!!!!!!! Once again, the challenge has been rescheduled. It's been rescheduled (1) Snow days, (2) Mr. Kosko handed out new music, (3) Michelle didn't kno, (4) Elaine was sick, (5) Flute choir.

March 30th, 2003

Sorry I haven't been updatin much. I've been grounded for another month... Of course, that's not as bad as poor Paul, whose been grounded for 6 LONG MONTHS *evil laughter* O wel. Michelle, Elaine, and I have a challenge. All I have to say is good luck to all three of us and may the best flutey win!


BTW, I forgot to mention this earlier: I FINALLY started flute lessons with Ms. Ammirtati. IT'S GREAT! ^.^ *does the happy dance*

Later (again)

I'm at the library, which is the only place I can actually get online without my mom knowing that I'm on (hehehe, i'm one baaaaaaad girl...) Anyways, I was at a Tae Kwon Do Tournament which was AWSOME. I wasn't competing, tho. My brother was, and he did pretty well: Another bronze medal. Pretty good. Our dojang is pretty good with sparring: Nelson, Jessica, and Ismal are going to Nationals.

March 20, 2003

ERG!!!!! I got kicked off the computer AGAIN: this time, for grades. *sigh* So what if I can't speak latin for beans? Latinus molestus est (in otherwords, Latin is ANNOYING.)
We have another intern here. And the best part is SHE'S A FLUTEY!!!!! YES!!!!! ^.^
Ms. Ammirati is AWSOME. She's helping us with the flute choir for solo and ensemble festival. Elaine and I were checking some of the stuff out today during lunch. We played two 3-part pieces, which sounded REALLY good. I might even start taking private lessons with her.
OIE, challenge next tuesday... argh. O well. I guess my practice level should start going up. And this time, I WILL GET FIRST CHAIR IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!!!!!!!

March 15, 2003

Dave must DIE. Kris and I had an interesting discussion yesterday about whether I can beat Michelle or not in a challenge. She says Dave's "helping me". HAH! If that's his way of "helping me", then I really don't want any "help" from him or else i'm gonna b one pissed off girl.

March 9th, 2003

Excellent job at Festival, you guys! Dave did an unusually good job with the English Horn (j/k. ^.^) The Results:
Concert 2: 2
Concert 3: 2
Symphonic: STRAIGHT ONES!!!!

Luckily enough for me, I didn't screw up on the duets with Michelle. We had some scares, tho. John Maley didn't show up: boy is Mr. K gonna b pissed... And he's the only one who can do the snare part right. So our entire percussion section had to fill in on the parts. Still, we pulled through OK. We had a few tuning scares, but that came up pretty good too. Mr. Kosko got mad at one of the Tubas in the warm-up room, and gave us the talk about not being mentally ready, which I can agree with. We got incredibly lucky, though, since we missed a week's worth of practice, AND we were missing our snare player. I also met Catherine Ade at Festival. Dave, Catherine an I had an interesting discussion on the 100 reasons why to play flute. Let's not get into details.
Pre-Festival: It was pretty good. I screwed up once, and there was too much sweat on my lower lip for my flute to actually stay still, which is a pretty big problem. So I stuck on some of this anti-perspirant kinda thingy, which worked.

Sunday, March 2nd, 2003

Ms. Hennigan: If anyone does the snow dance between now and the end of the school year, I will personally gag them, tie them up to the flagpole, pull them up, and wave at them in their misery.
NO MORE SNOW!!!! ARGH!!!!!! I'M SICK OF IT!!!!!!

Saturday, March 1st, 2003

THINK, HK, it's MARCH, not Februrary... Erj. (sorry to use your word kris, but i'm just borrowing it temporarily.)
I just ate myself full at Old Country Buffet (ugh...) and got three mat-burns and a busted ankle from tae kwon do today, but all's well. I'm happy to say that I got more sheet music from Chrono Cross, which Kris currently has me obsessed with after she let me listen to Time's Scar. My fav song is called "Reminisence" (i think I spelled it rite...) and I got the piano music for it two nights ago and have been practicing it any time possible. I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!

Thursday, February 27th, 2003

Why does the weather always have to interfere with out band schedule? WE HAVE A STINKIN CONCERT TO DO!!!!! Grr... The band concert always has to be rescheduled...

Tuesday, February 25th, 2003

Michelle, Elaine, and I are having another chair test on Friday possibly, but Mr. Kosko thinks it's too close to festival.

Sunday, February 22nd, 2003

Well, I was in a REALLY bad mood on Friday. Oh well. Anyways, I finally got the photos up on the extension site. Apparently, no one else on the staff seems to care enough to even take a look at the extension site... *grumbles*

Friday, February 20th, 2003

How come no one thinks that I can beat Michelle?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Look at Catherine: She was in Concert 2 as a sevie, and she whomped Michelle in symphonic!

Tuesday, February 18th, 2003

WE ARE OUT OF SCHOOL TOMORROW!! YES! So far, that means only two days of possible school this week. As long as we go to school on Thursday (the 8th graders have the team parties, remember?) then I'm happy.
Well, the only bad thing this morning is that I've been sick and threw up two pounds worth of food, so I lost some weight (something I REALLY need to do about now, I'm on a "starve myself to death" diet) but knowing my frenzy for food, I'm probably going to eat four pounds worth of food tomorrow. *sigh* Any diet suggestions? E-mail them to me PLEASE!!!!!

Monday, February 17th, 2003

YES!!!!! SNOW DAY!!!! ^.^
Sam, Michael, Daniel, and I were at the movies seeing "Daredevil" the night before it snowed. They were drooling during this one scene (in which I will not describe the contents...) It was disturbing, trust me. But the movie wasn't all that good.
Well, anyways, we got 21 inches of snow!!! School's probably going to be closed until possibly Wednesday, which means no band: but that's the only downside, considering I still have to practice for that challenge AND I still have homework to do...


WELL i settled the entire "Which teacher do i go with" situation. I love my mom's homemade bbq chicken... *sigh* I just had about 15 wings... *burp, blush* hehehe

Wednesday, February 12th, 2003

Michelle, Elaine, and I are going to have ANOTHER challenge sometime later next week, but Elaine and I haven't told Michelle yet. She says that she has practice with her band all week since they're making their first whatchamacallit... Oh well. I'll give her some time: the more time I give her, the more time I have to practice! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe...

Sunday, February 9th, 2003

My mom kicked me off the computer for a few days. *sigh* oh well. Now i'm back on. Anyways, I'm going to pick up the photos tonight, so we'll soon have pictures of Mr. Miles stuffing his face full of food. ^.^
Well, about the challenge, I know it's a three way, but all Michelle told me was that it was on monday. I think it's tomorrow, but Annamarie told me that Mr. Kosko has a two week waiting period after a challenge...Oh well. I've been practicing like nuts: I have to: Michelle's tough competition. So Michelle: May the best flutist win, and good luck.


I'm at the library again, since my computer decided to break down, and I need to check out some books anyways.
I'm gonna start flute lessons this week, but I STILL dunno which teacher i'm gonna get: It's either Ms. Wynn or Ms. Mulhenbrook (or I THINK that's how you spell her name). HELP ME!!!

Wednesday, February 5th, 2003

Well, today, I have two bits of news: one that's good, and one that i'm not too sure is good or not...
Well, #1: I made first cut into TJ!
#2: I got second chair in chair test, but that's not necessarily good... Elaine (sevie flute) got to first chair! ... ... ... um... Well, i had to leave it at second chair last year because i got beaten by Sue Xu (she's in Texas now) in Concert Two. Then again, I can always challange. From what I've heard, the first three flutes may have a three-way challange: the first one to my knowledge. I MIGHT be able to beat her: I lost to her by 1 point!!!! Well, she IS good. Well, good job to all the flutes!


I'm at the library AGAIN to do my civics homework, since my internet connection is freaky. God, there's this one guy humming on the computer across from me, and he's been humming for THE PAST FRIGGIN HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL now that that's out...
I just got back from Tae Kwon Do and I FINALLY got my test application! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 4th, 2003

Ho boy... Too much stuff to do... I've got the LONGEST ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT EVER, a chair test, tommorow, latin vocab due tommorow, and the TJ letter coming TODAY!!! I could see it now, but I don't have the mail key with me... So I have to wait until my mom gets home with the mail key to even KNOW if I made the first cut or not...

Saturday, February 1st, 2003

KOREAN NEW YEAR! YES! That means I get to party all day and my family splits for the night and get to do what every we want! Which means that I'M hitting the ice arena! Not to mention, my grandparents sent me money!!! Yay! I love being Korean sometimes...


Well, lemme tell you the other stuff that happened that I didn't get to do earlier. Anyways, last night, I went to ICU (my church's youth group meeting on friday nights, not the hospital...) and me and a bunch of my high school buddies were playing football. Let's just say that I TRIED to catch the ball but it kinda hit my thumb and it bent all the way back and it hurts like crap. Heck: for another bit of bad news, I didn't make it into district. Good news: Brian did (congrats!) so I'm stuck at home icing my thumb. Heck, I'll get in next year.
Now, for the REAL good news: I'M GETTING PRIVATE LESSONS FINALLY!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! I still dunno who my teacher's gonna be... I'm gonna try and score Michelle's private teacher (and learn a few tricks, hehehe...) and I just HOPE I might be able to score first chair, but I doubt it.

Thursday, January 30th, 2003

ACK! I'm just a complete nervous wreck. I just want to know IF I GOT IN OR NOT!!!! I'm starting to HATE being an alternate...

Wednesday, January 29th, 2003

Well, now the only thing is that i can't remember the good koskoism today...
Well, there's more than that. The problem is that district band is tommorow and i STILL dunno if they need any flute alternates, which sux. Mr. Kosko told me that since this year it's on a 4-day weekend, they're gonna need a bunch of alternates. But they still haven't called yet. Then again, there's an explanation to that. Most of the time, they call the alternates when the person isn't there at the first rehersal. Ho boy, am i NERVOUS!!!!!

Tuesday, January 28th, 2003

Band was kinda amusing today. It started off boring and a bit weird. The trumpets went to the chorus room for their sectional. It sounded REALLY WEIRD without the trumpets. Then they switched off btween 1sts, 2nds, and 3rds. Then Mr. Kosko had the flute section try out for the duet part on "Chorale and Shaker Dance 2" and Michelle and Caitlin got the part. He went down in a line to start. When it came to Caitlin and me, we played pretty well except for a certain incident that I turned into a Koskoism.
Distric Band's in two days, and I STILL don't know whether I got in as an alternate or not...
Being the cruel band director that he is, Mr. Kosko decided that he's going to re-seat the flutes NEXT WEDNESDAY!!!!!! I'M DEAD!!!!!!!! At best, I swear I'll end up as fifth chair or something...

Sunday, Janurary 26th, 2003

Hellos! I went to the music store and FINALLY got a chromatic tuner, so I'll actually be able to finish my tuning chart today! Not to mention I just had a chat with my friend Bunny who I haven't seen since state choir last year in April. I FINALLY got to talk to her this morning. YAY!


Aren't I sad? I have no life outside of this page... Ho boy. Anyways, my left shoulder's stiff AGAIN since I busted it in tae kwon do yesterday. They told me not to practice until tuesday, but heck. I practiced about an hour ago and my shoulder's fine, other than the regular stiffness.
Anyways, Annamarie gave me a lecture on how if i spar and possibly get hurt for a third time on my shoulder in a month, which means that I might need surgery. So eventually, she told Master Lee, who just told me to "take it easy". Well, I'm fine, I'm not in a sling like last time, and I've been practicing.

Thrusday, January 23rd, 2003

I love this: almost no homework for two days in a row. Even if i did gert a 66 on the science quiz today... OUCH. Anyway, we got an award from this senator guy. Check the koskoisms page if ya wanna know more. We were pretty good today. Good sound. And for once, Mr. Kosko was complimenting us all day! ^.^ I checked out Barnett's website. Not to Barnett: It's not our fault that you didn't get me koskoisms when I asked you. And if you wanna be represented, do someting like post something on the website forums. And we're possibly thinking of adding different pages for different bands, so there's your problem solved.

Tuesday, January 21st, 2003

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much homework. I just took the rest of the algebra test today and it was a COMPLETE BORE! The second bonus question had me for about five minutes, until i figured out that all you needed to do was do one little operation to both the problems and it was EASY! I told dave that today tho, and he screwed it, hah. Turns out that I just checked my e-mail recently and got something from Barnett Trzcinski, of all people. He's a first trumpet in concert 3, and he wants to join the staff. Whadda you think? I'll stick a poll somewhere soon. But he's already starteda rival site called "The Power of Concert 3". I dunno the URL for it, but heck, i'll post it up ASAP.

Friday, January 17th, 2003

I love snow... I love two hour delays...
It snowed again (duh) and i woke up this morning to check the TV, saw it, and literally got back to bed in two minutes time. The only problem: i couldn't get back 2 sleep. Damn it...
Oh well. Good day today. I'm finally off my sling, but they won't let me go skating until monday. Guess what else: I have pneumonia. Aren't I lucky? Anyways, Kudos to oboeboy for the forums. They're pretty good!
I had a good koskoism today, but i ended up forgettin it. Oh well.

Monday, January 13, 2003

OK, so I might get into district after all. Mr. Kosko says that since the district band is held over a 4 day weekend, a bunch of people are oing to be on ski trips and whatnot. So heck, looks like I still have a shot! Nothing really too interesting today. We had sectionals. While I was stuck in the chorus room unable to move my arm listening to the upper woodwinds play "March Juno", the brass and lower woodwinds got to play "The Light Eternal". ARGH!
Other than that, pretty uneventful. I had to stay after for my brother's area band practice since I have to walk him home since our house is right across the street from Pickett. Two of Mr. Kosko's former students came. I know one of them: Victoria. She was third chair last year in Concert 2. She challenged me last year. Then the other girl was I think a clarinetist. Somehow, the conversation got into the topic of what a girl looks for in a guy. Then Mr. Kosko asked clarinet girl "How Alex was doing." (her brother). Her ex-boyfriend's name happens to be Alex. So she tells him about how she broke up with him five months ago. He asks, "Which Alex?". She just says, "Alex Islin" or something like that. Well, Mr. Kosko just goses, "iugh..." and I just ask him how he knows so much about what girls find in guys. There was an interesting topic to discuss with your band teacher...

Sunday, January 12, 2003

Well, this is A BAD WEEK. On friday, i was making my brother muffins and i was reaching for the box with the mix when i felt my shoulder go "pop". Well, I really didn't think of that as a big deal then, but now it hurts like crap. And of course, of all days to pop my shoulder, it was THE DAY BEFORE DISTRICT BAND AUDITIONS! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *curses a whole bunch*
Ho boy. And to make that worse, I had Tae Kwon Do class RIGHT AFTER, which killed my shoulder. Crap. So after Tae Kwon Do, my mom drove me over to Robinson to see the results for district. I GOT ELEVENTH. I MISSED GETTIN IN THE BAND BY ONE SPOT! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *curses some more*
WELL, now that it's sunday, my mom took me to the doctor's and guess what: I'm stuck in a sling FOR A WEEK!!!!!!! I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO PLAY MY FLUTE OR DO TAE KWON DO OR DO GYM (well, gym's not a total loss, but we're doing volleyball, and I love volleyball!) FOR A WEEK!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 5th, 2003

Okay, so half my entries got deleted, but heck. Anyways, it's snowing today! YAY! My mom tells me that there's going to be at least a 2 hour delay! (YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!) Ho boy, and I still have an english project to do...
Right now, my mom seems to be exremely mad at the weather report which says "light snow, accumulation less than one inch" HA! AS IF!!! There's at least two inches of snow outside. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 4th, 2003

Ho boy, I did it again. The incredibly accident prone HK has gotten another injury. Kris, Daniel, and I decided to go skating last night. Most of the time I was in the middle doing my waltz jumps. I started counting my falls and lost count and hour into the skate session. Oh well. Anyway, I was doing one of my jumps when, BAM. I screw up my landing and fall incredibly hard on the side of my right knee. OUCH. So currently, I'm sitting in the library typing this up with a knee I can't bend. *sigh* Heck, hopefully my mom will give me a pass for gym.

Sunday, December 29th, 2002

Ho boy, sorries I haven't been sticking any entries in, but heck, we haven't had school for the past week! Then again, I've been at home the entire time, so it's INCREDIBLY BORING!!!!!!!!! I went skating again last night with Kris and Tina. DAVE YOU SHOULD COME SKATING!!!!! It's really fun, even if you're not really going to do anything since you can always watch me fall flat on my face! LOL. Anyways, here's my list of trick that I can do so far on the ice:
1.) Two-Foot Spin
2.) Waltz Jump (barely)
3.) One foot glide (left foot only)
4.) Lounge
5.) skate backwards (even if that's not really a trick...)
6.) front crossovers
Currently I'm tryin to string some of those front crossovers but so far, no luck. DARN YOU TOMMY!!!!!!! HOW THE HECK CAN YOU DO DOUBLES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Sunday, December 22nd, 2002

Sunday: tomorrow, winter break officially starts. I was SO FRICKIN BUSY! Let's see, yesterday, at bout noon, my brother had his six hour demo team practice and i went to the ice skating rink with kris and paul. It was SUPPOSED to be a staff meeting, but dave WOULDN'T COME (no big surprise there, considering his excuses like, "I don't know how to skate") but we had a good time. It was Paul's second time and I taught him how to do a waltz jump. I need to practice my half flip, but i suck, since i've never taken lessons before in my life, so that's pretty good.
After that, I went to Kris's Christmas party (and I say it's Christmas!!!!!!) Alexa got her hand stuck in a treadmill, I played three games of pool with Tina (and got beaten 4 games outa 5...)

What kind of band geek are you?

I am a band geek and proud of it! Represent! I do
weird little dances and often am accidently in
step. I notice the music in movies. Wow. I
deserve a metranome!

Are you a band geek?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Flute! You like things sweet, and simple.

What instrument are you?
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  you are a genuine BAND NERD! YOU LIVE AND BREATH
BAND! You are in love with the drum majors and
you are most likely to become a rich and famous
composer! YAY FOR YOU!

Are you -really- a band geek?
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  You're a band geek all the way! You live to march!
You would die if you didn't have band. Visit
the Secret Band Geek Haven at:http://www.bandtek.com/geekhaven This site is
perfect for you! Also visit:http://www.dawgtoons.com/talesfrombandcamp

What type of musician are you?
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I'm a band geek

Are You a Band Geek??
brought to you by Quizilla