Mr. Miles Co-rules all time and space.
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

Oboeboy's corner

Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room


BJ Miles (Shortly after beginning of time - end of time)
I'll try.. We haven't had Mr. Miles long enough to be able to do a great biography:

NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH MRS. MILES, CANTERBURY WOODS ES/MANTUA/(OTHER TORTURED ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS)'S CRUEL OBNOXIOUS DITZ-OF-A-GENERAL-MUSIC-TEACHER! Student-teacher. Usually plays tuba with the band, recently trombone, conducts 'Ramsgate March.' I don't how many bands, if any, he plays with besides Symphonic. Near-virtuoso on every instrument, virtuoso on brass, low especially. I learned on Monday, I think everyone knew by Tuesday, Mr. Miles is leaving us this Friday (Dec. 13 - scary!)

>:( < Grrrrrrr! We didn't get Mr. Miles long enough!!
<:( < We'll miss you Mr. Miles!!

This isn't half what it should be.
I really do wish we could do a better tribute to Mr. Miles - we should have written down more like we do for Mr. Kosko. Sorry!

Yes, yes, yes, I do like Mog, okay? You got a problem with that? Erm - I'm sure Mr. Miles.. would like Mog too. Haha. That's it!


"I'm hugging myself because I care." - That's right, Mr. Miles. You should have known it would come back to haunt you.