  Mr. Kosko rules all time and space.
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

Oboeboy's corner

Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room

Daniel Kosko (The beginning of time - The end of time.)
DA POWER OF KOSKOWitty, amusing, musically intelligent, and occasionally sarcastic band director, Mr. Kosko is the omnipresence of Frost Middle School in Fairfax, Virginia.


Forum Index
Note: If you want to post anything on the site, YOU MUST REGISTER AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE

The Caption Contest: Phil and Mr. Miles!

Email any results here:

The New Extension Site:

target=new> border=0 alt="band geeks unite">

9/5/03-0 HK


6/8/03- HK

Well, Kris, after a long time of beggin me for all eternity, Tim is our newest member of the Band site.

6/4/03, Oboeboy

Yay, Busch Gardens rox0red. I'm back!!!


The Busch Gardens intinerary has been added.There's a better one on the extension site.

I've added a band dictionary. If anyone has any entries, e-mail me!

~*HK*~ 4/14/03

really fun site! http://members.aol.com/BenWhite/banddict.htm

I've added a captions contest. Email the entries to xkrnxfluteygalx@hotmail.com
This time, the picture is Phil and Mr. Miles. I'll think of a prize later. The picture is at the top of the page.

I GOT THE PICTURES UP! Took long enough, though. I still need some help with a couple things. The pictures will be on the extension site

HK- 2/12/03
We may possibly have a new member- Barnett Trzcinski, yes the guy who runs our rival site. Barnett has made a deal with me, which I'll discuss with my staff members soon. I personally think he's be more help than hinder.
Kris - 3/17
EXCUSE ME?!?!?! No, we will not possibly have a new staff member, we will definitely not have Barnett join! Excuse the absence of hospitality, Barnett, but I cannot allow my best flute to be brainwashed with your bribes!

HK-We now have an extension site (since freeservers tends to not give you enough pages to do anything...) on angelfire. And we also have a new staff member- Paul! His page'll be on the angelfire site.

HK- 2/04/03
I FINALLY got the film done with our band pictures in it. In a week, we'll have our band pictures up!And another thing: I added a band humor section (thank you, paqi) and we'll be adding our own symphonic band humor to it! ^.^ Email me!

11/13/03 Oboeboy

We have moved beyond our crappy corkboards that stunk. WE HAVE A REAL FORUM NOW!!! why are you still reading this? THE FORUMS!!!Have fun and be sure TO REGISTER!!!

1/11/03 Oboeboy

All District Auditions were today! Now, I personally insured Frosts domination in the Oboe section, but I am sad to say many others failed in upholding our traditions. More luck next year!

Jan. 8, 2003-HK

Sorry, I made a tad mistake on the skate session time. The time is from 8:30 to 10:45. Sorries! (and another note, make sure you bring at least .

Jan. 5, 2003
GRRR! Now is the season for your lips to become so unbelievably chapped that you can smear on Carmex hour upon hour and still not be able to hit a freakin high D!! Not to mention you can feel the floor sizzle in here, my mom is such a heat-fanatic! And HK, that 1. was not a 'Christmas' party! 2. Was not 'my' party! It was my parents'! 'Christmas?' Bah, humbug! And don't you people even know what happens to Persephone in winter?! ALSO, people keep saying we might not have school tomorrow! HOW LONG MUST WE GO WITHOUT BAND?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Jan. 4, 2003-HK

Another staff skate session is on Friday night, Jan. 10 at the Fairfax ice arena. Actually, the date is most likely that Friday, but i'm not really sure. I'll post another notice asap. The time should be from around 7:30PM to 10:45PM, and you need at least .

Dec. 17, 2002
Okay, people, the poll seems to have just as big a problem as we have. If it's up when you come here, please take it!

Dec. 13, 2002
This Sunday is the one month anniversary of this geeky site! I attempted to add an electronic poll, but I guess the HTML was just too strong for sitebuilder. We're just going have to do this the manual way.

Dec. 11, 2002-fluteygal

Staff skate session at Farifax ice arena on the 21st! The time is from 12:00 noon to bout 4:00 in the afternoon, but you can come anytime in between: i'll be there all day (and yes, tina can come too, since she's a regular there)

Dec. 10, 2002 - after the concert

I should have posted this Monday, (yesterday) but I guess I had the suspicion that it was just an evil rumor in attempt to break our hearts and then laugh and call us gullible like that rumor Mr. Kosko started that he was moving to Atlanta sometime into the year. Now I know that it is true; either that or the biggest, evilest rumor of them all, because it was told to all. It is true, we are going to lose Mr. Miles. His last day is this Friday, the 13th.(*some random scream/shreik/shriek*) There is now a page in tribute to Mr. Miles - I cannot begin to describe the joy he has brought because we didn't write anything down, thinking he was a normal! If anyone did write something down, including Oboe Boy and HK, because I might be wrong, you know, though I am a trumpet, please do not hesitate to send it in! Mr. Miles is leaving soon!

Dec. 8, 2002

I am absolutely obsessed with trumpets, so while I was bored on Saturday night and my lips were too chapped to practise, I wrote up a corny little song to the tune of 'Sleigh Ride.' Enjoy.

Hear the conductor sayin that
We're not playin, and why?
I guess it's time dump spit
Then a valve oil, my trumpet and I
The flutes are resting, sayin
That they are playin so high
I guess it's time to dump spit
Then a valve oil, my trumpet and I
Rest BLAT rest BLAT rest BLAT no more
Syncopation's a bore
Sometimes low brass parts make me snore
Rest BLAT rest BLAT rest BLAT it's fine
This oil of mine
I'll oil through rust if I must All of this class until lunch time
Our bells are nice and shiny
The flutes are whiny, not we
The saxes blend like flavors
Like someone signing wavers with glee
Whip out your snake* it's for the best
Do we only rest? Sigh.
I guess it's time to dump spit
Then a valve oil, my trumpet and I
The conductor holds the fermata like it's his brain
It'll be the forte ending of a forte strain
We'll be oiling our valves, inspecting them, repeat and never stop
Look real close and then you can see the droplets drop
Drop! Drop! Drop!
There's a happy feeling nothing in the world can buy
When our oil, smooth and shiny, perfect, we apply
And the band will sound like an eery crane, an old hag pale and meek
Because no one wants to play out but the high and some low brass geeks
*(for all you who don't know, a snake is a flexible trumpet lead pipe and tuning slide brush)

December 7, 2002 Oboeboy

Added a 'corkboard'. Now we can post messages and discuss stuff!

December 5, 2002 Oboeboy
Currently the Koskoisms page is having some serious difficulty. HK and I will be working on fixing it today. SHE SCREWED IT UP SOMEHOW!!!! Really, can quotes be that hard?

December 4,2002
HK has now joined our staff.
Also, the Book Fair Concert WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2002 AT FROST, 7:00 PM.

ATTENTION! Winter Solstice is coming! You have to start thinking about what you're getting Mr. Kosko, if you haven't already! In case anyone hasn't noticed, (check in with the doctor, okay?) Mr. Kosko seems to have Chocolate Fiend Conductor Syndrome.

Poll: email me your answer - (sorry- no hyperlinks in text format - but there are on other pages) KrisConfeddi@hotmail.com or just scroll down.
RESOLVED: Terrance Detwiler rocks!!!!
VOTE: Pro Con Obstain

We now feature the band photos! Thanks go out to HK for her screwy photography.

Survey Answers

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Mr. Kosko has something to do with this picture I'm sure
Until our scanner comes out of it's coma, please enjoy AWESOME MOG.
Heh heh. This is a link.