Symphonic Band Diary
Central Nexus of Koskotivity

Oboeboy's corner

Fluteygal's Hidaway

Band Humor...Or Not

Symphonic Band Diary

The Famous Koskoisms/Milesisms

In Tribute to Mr. Miles

The Band Dictionary

Links to Consider for the Musically Obsessed

Tubadude's Bitch'n Room

This site was created on Friday, November 15, 2002.
Notice how I love to not care whether I'm using single(') or double(") quotes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Now that I finally have a chance to update, I'll tell about the concert I just came back from rather than doing my homework.
HK and I went to this together - some other people were there. The FCPS Wind Ensemble Band Thing Blah Blah Blah Featuring a Whole Buncha Band Directors and College Students and Gunk. Mr. Kosko and Ms. Ammirati were both playing, and so were a whole lotta other people including Mr. Hoffman, Ms. Pezold, Ms. Snyder, and Patrick Dorsey was in the All-Star Antiphonal Brass Choir. The whole concert, HK and I kept making all these weird hand gestures, conducting, and other scary things. We heard a few new Koskoisms which I'll try to remember and write down so HK doesn't mess them all up entirely.
There are rumors that we won't be doing Prairiesong for Busch Gardens, but Prairiesong rocks, and we still haven't tested it yet, so if we get it right, we'll take it! {D (a sad attempt at Oboeboy's famous/infamous English Horn Face, constructed out of pixeled characters.)
And for those of you who want an Amos Update, I still feel very, very, sorry for him. Poor, poor, stupid Amos.

Friday, April 25, 2003
GRRR! I HATE BEING SICK! That's right, I had to miss school today, and therefore, band. FrrrrrrjjjjjjErrrrrjjjjjj! RRRjjjj Arrrrjjj Errrrjjj Irjjjjj Orjjjjjj UrjjjjJ!
*ahem* (ow)
Again, apologies for all the absenses - yesterday's I guess is slightly justified by the fact that I was asleep every minute after school. So we got our Solo & Ensemble grade sheets on some day or the other, and some other stuff probably happened and I'm so worried about this site... "Band Dictionary?" ...Why do my fellow staff members insist on plaugerism? Okay, so maybe it's not complete plaugerism but couldn't they at least think of their OWN category of band humor? Paqi's site is great, indeed, that's why we LINKED it to this one!

Thursday, April 10, 2003
ACK! Please please please please excuse the absense; 3rd and 4th quarter, homework falling from the trees.
Today Mrs. Hall and some Woodson band kids came in to talk basically about why the eigth graders should sign up for band at Woodson (including Patrick Dorsey! GO PATRICK DORSEY!!!) I don't care whether or not you can do both sports and band, frankly, cause the uniforms are BEAST! Hehheh. Plus, there's no way I'd ever not take band. That would SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCk.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003
Everyone remember, April 3rd, report AT LEAST by 6:30, (I highly reccomend coming at least by six) at Frost band room. Today we touched up on "My Fair Lady" and enjoyed HK's artwork.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003
Same old, same old. We got "Summertime" again, and we're keeping it this time. We also played (rested through) "Three Studies in English Folk Songs." All of these highly praised 'show tune' arrangments sound familiar and people like them and all, but, in the old days, when I was always 1st part, I had no idea how bad being a 3rd for some peices sucks. They don't need so many trumpets playing for "English Folk Songs," which is three movements, so we don't play at all in the first movement, and play four notes in the second movement. The third is halfway decent, except it follows the (stupid!) standard seating policy - so 3rds are musically less talented than 1sts, right? Well, I think a lot of people, esp. trumpets, would agree with me when I say it takes a whole heckuva lot more musical talent to place those low gross harmonies that sound like nothing than it does to play something comprehensible. We often play just what the 1sts play - only lower >:(. We never get fully warmed up, either, because we are never required to play a lot of high notes, so our low notes and high notes sound bad. If our lips are chapped that day, (which they probably are; at least for me, especially cause being around all that sawdust 4th period removes the effect of applying bandloads of Blistex hours before you play, like Mr. D says,) then our middle range notes will also sound like blatting vats of boiling baking soda. This explains why most people regard 3rd part players as being/sounding "bad...."

Monday, March 17, 2003
Happy this, happy that.
We sight read a "My Fair Lady" arrangement today. It's.. interesting. We got the alternate ending to replace the one written (it's been played by symphonic before). It's a freaky song with a bunch of tempo changes and lots of cut time. The tubas finally have a solo in a piece, too.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Erj. As the year progresses, I find the internet gets erjier and erjier. It's awfully hard to update a website when you can't get online.
The important thing here is band, of course!
We've been sight reading a few "Show Tunes" over the last days. "The Lion King" (four pages!) and "West Side Story." In the meantime, I've almost finished my however-many-months preparation for my score. I should start arranging over the weekend, but I've been studying the music a soooooooooooo
aaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggggg tttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmeee.
Erj.. sorry if that's hard to read.
Deepest Symphonies to All
(and don't forget to stir the soup. Aaahahahaa.[Don't ask.. HK's probably already dubbed it a Koskoism anyway])

Wednesday, March 5, 2003
HK... do you ever stop talking? After school rehersal went fine, I suppose, except for Amos's pitiful stupidity.

Tuesday, March 4, 2003
Go Mr. M!!!
Erj. I missed another day or two, and there were also some snow days.. (ugh).. BUT.. on to the important news:


MR. MILES CAME TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2003
I apoligize for my day or two or whatever missed updating, and for the #^%&ing snow.
Ugh.. too much news. Uwa, ha! I hope HK posts the new Koskoisms! We've (meaning, Mr. Kosko has) decided to play the harder Star Wars instead of the dumbed-down one, and.. here's the good news - EXTRA PRACTISE! Actually, it won't even PARTLY make up for what we've missed, but at least I finally get to use Paqi's excuse thing; "Sorry. I have band."
Uwa, ha!
Next week, after school on Wednesday. NOT tommorrow. *Sniff* Why not tomorrow, too, Mr. Kosko? Erj. I can't spell. And Erj to everything else, therefore I shall conclude with a nice, long
Well, it's longer than it looks.

Monday, February 10, 2003
Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah. Hrmph. I know my psycology has little to do with the band news, but erj! Don't understand? Heh heh! I do!

Friday, February 7, 2003
Damn. Snow. Erj. No band.

Thursday, February 6, 2003
ERJ! WICKED RASH CHILDREN! WISHING FOR SNOW! DOING SNOW DANCES! WEARING SNOW SHIRTS! Don't they know they rejoice for Demeter's agony?!?! ERJ!!!!! Ha. I love that word. Erj. Um.. Anyway. Kevin and Amos had their challenge today. When they walked out of Mr. Kosko's office, they seemed to be trying to mimic one another's facial expressions so not to give anything away. They would not talk of the results of the challenge. I shall have to find out tomorrow in band. There shall not be snow! Pray for sun!

Wednesday, February 5, 2003
HAHAHA! Guanine! Adenine! Thymine! Cytosine! Dioxyribo nucleic acid! Is it just me, or would these terms all make good names for people? Erm.. Sorry. Off-topic. Well, that's what Da Roache does to ya. She switched to Discovery this year, ya know. ANYWAY! Hmm.. flute re-seating today (sorry, guys. I know you're better in band than re-seatings - ugh - I only sound bad when it actually MATTERS that I sound good, and visa versa. And no, stupid. I don't mean I sound good when I'm supposed to sound bad, I mean I sound good when it doesn't matter how it sounds, Uracil-face!) Humm. I just can't crack out much today. We.. um.. played Light Eternal, and Amos said he's not going to be here on Friday so that supposedly gives him the right to keep our stand closer to the 2nds than it is to me..?
By the by, Dave's mad English horning skills sounded better today altogether, but the high notes sounded a little worse than usual (or lacked of existence - sorry. You had to be in my science class. Inside joke.)

Tuesday, February 4, 2003
Played "Chorale and Shaker Dance II" s'more today! HEE! I LOVE THAT SONG! Aah.. memories. [Backround info for those few of you I have not already told this to: Last summer (6th-7th for me) at band camp, we played "Chorale and Shaker Dance II" and I loved it to death. I memorized it quickly, so if you here somebody singing it along with the band, that's probably me :S. AND HERE is the best part - I was, I think, the youngest trumpet in Symphonic, and when Mr. Hoffman passed out "Jubilance," I think it was called, the first song we got (before we had done any playing,) I got a 3rd part, but a few days into it we did a sorta chair audition where we played a phrase of.. what was it called? Keller should know, I believe, and I got first, so I got to play first for all the songs except for Jubilance.
For "Chorale and Shaker Dance II," we sounded reeeeeeallly good (I don't care what you think, Keller!) at the rehearsals, but...ugh...this is the only bad part...some 1sts missed the last note) at the concert...including me (death-defyingly embarrassed) erm.. so.. heh.. Well, the 3rds in band camp kinda seemed to cower in the shadows, so I've never heard the 3rd part till we got it this year, and I sometimes play an octave too high... AND - to prove you wrong Keller (maybe.. I don't know what keller thinks anymore) last summer's band camp was when Mr. Kosko was decididing which band to put me in at Frost, so we couldn't have done that bad.]

Monday, February 3, 2003
Did I spell 'February' right? Do I still ask too many rhetorical questions? Does that have anything at all to do with band?! The seconds laughed at Keller and he countered (mocked) them. It may not be destined to become a Koskoism, but it is still worth noting, considering there's not a great deal of exciting news coming from band today, with the exception, of course, of three major upcoming concerts... So Mr. Kosko was having some trumpets play an interval tuning thing and blah blah blah - anyway, he wanted to hear Keller play it an octave higher, and when Keller played an F sharp, he said "That's a G" and the seconds said "Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!" and Keller mocked back in a petulant voice, "Hyneh, hyneh, hyneh, hyneh, hyneh!" Well, I guess you had to be there.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003
*sigh* No band for four days. Another gong incident playing "The Light Eternal" today. I'll bet HK's already got in Koskoism form. The difference this time was the nihilism to be an incident - er - (English, man. You can't live with vocab words, and once you learn them you're addicted and never stop using them) basically, the incident was that there was no incident, or anything! That means, folks, the gong's note did not exist. The horns had sectionals today, and I kept trying to convince Amos that Dave's English horn does not sound like a dying animal - at LEAST not when he
1. Uses bandloads of air
2. Is playing LOTR music
Also, Keller is infamous for his persistance to play "Blue Goose Rag" all through the beginning of the year. Dave played the oboe part (I think) of it on an English horn. I think everybody who heard it agreed that it was hilarious. It brings a new meaning to the "Goose" in "Blue Goose Rag." Also, I didn't hear anything wrong, but Dave was doing one of his lightning-quick scales (scale pop quiz today) and for some reason a bunch of people (ESPECIALLY Keller, Smitzky, that crowd) started to laugh and tease Dave like he had messed up for ONCE! Ha ha! Seriously, Dave! It looks like that thing takes more air than a bagpipe!

Tuesday, January 28, 2003
Please excuse my inexcusable lack of updating. Would you like to hear my excuse? Ha, ha, ha. I do have an excuse but it is not band-related and would only take up space.

I must acknowledge our most recent reed donor, identifying themself as "Xavier Norcox," I believe.

Today we had trumpet sectionals and Sarah's cornet had a seizure. There was one measure I kept missing one note on in "The Light Eternal," and I wasn't messing up much except for that, but when I played that one measure by myself, I totally bombed the whole measure, go figure! Ugh.. And it's always hard to control the 3rds's constant (often innapropriate for band!) talking during practice, and sometimes it's also hard to remember to tell them to stop, because it happens so often, so I got caught up in that during sectionals and told Sarah "That happened to me once," and the sectionals director told us to quiet down, and everybody glared at me and stuff... grrrrr... if only Mr. Kosko did that every time anybody talked it wouldn't feel so natural and people would stop doing it but PLEASE! For crying out loud! First impressions, people! Mr. Kosko told a nice overused corny joke today about "ritards," but, since Mr. Kosko told it, that made it hilarious. GO MR. KOSKO!

Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Ugh... think Tulane, Kris. Think Tulane.

Tuesday, January 14, 2003
Kinda bad tone today, a lot of the band, including me, or else I wouldn't be able to notice it >:D. Daniel or Dylan or one of those 2nd trumpets shouted "Yeah!," I believe, after we finished playing eigth notes, I believe, in a voice that sounded very similar to Dave's. He must have thought so too, because he explained a few seconds later that it was not him. Back in the trumpets, we get to hear all the great bassoon jokes. When Mr. Kosko said Greg should play second part instead of first for Light Eternal(right?), the trumpets went crazy. I think Greg even got some input from the tubas, as I believe Tim was the one who said "Hey, Greg! You moving down a chair?" For those of you who do not save all of your memory cells to record every detail about band, (or aren't in band) Greg is the only bassoon in Symphonic Band. A slight pitiful, that child. Yes, he is one of the few Oboe Boy might say possesses "MAD skills," for he certainly weilds mad bassoon skills, but I must admit, it is no surprise that he still has an extremely long way to go if he plans to aquire even a fraction of Mr. Kosko's mastery of insults.

Monday, January 13, 2003
Heh.. actually, today's Tuesday.. yeah, that's right, my connection went a little whack. Heh. Sorry. So "today" the (high) woodwinds packed up and left for sectionals, but we were quiter than usual. Mr. Kosko made a few sectionally discriminating comments to get us going, but it didn't exactly work (at least, not in the trumpets). Mr. Kosko told the saxamaphones (that's what Mrs. Pezold said a long, long, time ago, and I can't stop callin 'em that) that he wanted them not to be woodwinds and not to be brass or something but.. ... ..trumpets rule.

Sectionals with Mrs Hall. Funny episode of me being the only one playing, having spit under one of my keys and it gurguling. I said "oh dear" and everyone laughed so it was cool. We played March Juno.

Friday, January 10, 2003
NOW Amos is no longer 'Queron Noile.' NOW he is "Queron Nail," I think. Everybody else got their tuning charts and we played 'The Light Eternal' and there was a slight gong incident that I'll bet HK will turn into a Koskoism.
It's been a rather uneventful week... Anna was scheduled her challenge to regain first chair, Flute chair tests were put off again, and Ann-Marie is planing on challenging up. If I'm not good enough to be first chair, in God's name kick me out! As it looks, we will probably play Shenandoah, The Light Eternal, and March Juno, which is the worst march I've ever played. Why? When I hear it I don't feel like marching. It's that simple, you're supposed to march to a march (hense the name. Curses that we can't play Legend of the Sword, the one piece so far that I was actually challenged by, and it has a nifty Oboe solo.

Thursday, January 9, 2003
Now Amos is no longer known as "Wambrockzz." Now he is "Queron Noile," I think. we did stuff and Mr. Kosko gave us tuning charts at lunch so it was extra special because we got them before everybody else. Ha.

Wednesday, January 8, 2003
Blah blah blah practise blah Shenandoah blah blah rest rest rest rest rest two notes rest blah. Amos said he needed to come up with a new nickname and I suggested "Wambrockzz." Now he must be referred to as 'Wambrockzz.' That is his new name, so if he doesn't respond when you call him Amos, don't come crying to me! As you can tell, it's been a strange day.

Tuesday, January 7, 2003
AAAH! GRRR HHJHRNBNGUBUGLO! GAAH! I just typed today's entry, and clicked the wrong button! It was deleted! GRRRRRR! STUPID IT! STUPID ME! STUPID REPUBLICANS! STUPID HUMANS! Alright, I'll try to get as close to my original entry... augh.
GAAH! I apoligize for the absense of entries, but this page has had some trouble. Today's practise was great. Amos and I played "Hymn of the Fayth" about 20 times, and it's packed with high notes, so we were well warmed up at practise. Mr. Kosko got mad (at me) (I think) for being the only one in section that actually played what was written(fff). Oh, well. I'll just have to wait until I'm in some nice 5-person brass jazz ensemble in New Orleans to play nice and loud, as 1. Who doesn't want more trumpet sound? 2. Chances are, no other trumpet would ever be playing the same part as me. 3. Trumpets get lots and lots and lots of solos, melodies, or just important parts in a small brass ensemble. Heh heh heh! I'll show you Keller! I'll show you all! TRUMPETS WILL DOMINATE THE EARTH SPHERE! HUMAN REPRODUCTION WILL CEASE, ALLOWING THE POPULATION TO EITHER EXTINCT, OR SAVE IT'S FINEST MUSICIANS TO HELP GANG UP ON NATURE'S WORST NIGHTMARES(usually Republicans)!

Wednesday, January 1, 2003
Did I spell 'January' right? Do I ask too many rhetorical questions? GRRR!!!! Tried to update last night at 11:40, but my connection flipped out! GRR! So anyway, just a reminder that New Year's Eve is a good time to spend time with your instrument. I had a party with my loved ones. (trumpet, wire stand, valve oil, music, etc.) Obviously there is no school today, meaning no band:(. Last year we had to go back to school on Jan. 2, and we only had band on Wednesdays, so we were a tad 'dissapointed.' (a little bit ticked.)

Friday, December 20, 2002

Thursday, December 19, 2002
We had lots and lots of fun playing 'Shenandoah' with The Sub today. We also got our REST! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! DUMB JOKE!!!! AAHAAHAAA! Haw. Now, excuse me, it's just, you see, putting our rests into rest bars didn't take up enough space, so they had to use some blank written measures instead, and I like playing more than counting rests, d'uh, but I like counting rests too (No, seriously!!). So, THEY(general) think I'm crazy counting when we haven't been asked to play, or have rests until the end, but COME ON! Some people just don't take band seriously. Wait, scratch that; Some people ACTUALLY DON'T LOVE BAND!!! *GASP* *WHEEZE* *PANT* *PANT* *HACK* *GASP* *WHEEZE* *GASP* *WHEEZE* *Whew*! Excuse me!
Hn? *GASP* Somebody just told me they knew some of these people!! *G-GAASSSSSSP* I..I know some people who might be considering......QUITTING!!!*GASP*
..... *very gravely* Some...people...actually...hate...? *HAS HEART ATTACK*

Wednesday, December 18, 2002
HAR HAR! Stupid little contest nobody has the time to compete in! Try to see what's wrong with today's entry (besides the obvious, I mean.) stupid *HINT* that you don't need - compare today's entry with other entries.
0ur sub made his premier today. He is cool, and good at what he does, but he's a little.. well.. ah, heck. He's cool. 0nly his conducting technique was exceedingly different from Mr. Kosko's, which we all know, love, and have gotten quite used to. Well, Mr. Kosko will be back in January (just for the sake of being one of the only people who doesn't, I'm not saying 'He'll be back next year.')

Tuesday, December 17, 2002
(weird spacing prevents messed ups scroll. Sorry. I know it's still annoying.)
!!!!!!!!!! !@#$%$#%@^$&@%*!^#@%^&!@#*!@#
*$@!#*%^$!!!!!!!!!! HOLY !^#@*&%
AALLY REALLLLLYREALLYSORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*kiss kiss* *hug hug* sorry sorry X 1,000,000)"
I quote myself this morning when I accidentaly kicked my trumpet case:(. I still feel terrible about it.
GRRRRRR..... @#$&! My breathing tube dissapeared during practice today, and I don't think Allan has it because he would have returned it at the worst just when class ended. Good Practice, bla bla. My used reed collection is still young, but today I aquired two new reeds and even two reed cases. (I think they were reed cases. Can someone please tell me what a bocal is? Is it like the double-reed equivilant to gap* or the lead pipe?)
*If you don't recognize it, it still might be your term. I don't think it's very common knowledge.
By the by, if anyone has any used reeds they don't need, I would love it if you donated them to my collection. AND, by special, special request, I will post ANONYMOUS on this site in place of your name!

Monday, December 16, 2002
I(Kris) wasn't at school today, so Oboe Boy, HK, can you say what happenned here? The in-school concert was cancelled, I learned. As long as I have nothing else to say, in case anyone cared, I've been keeping count since September, and there are only 34 days until Bobby Lee's birthday!

Friday, December 13(GASP), 2002
Today I brought the cake to the band room in the morning, but eventually it collapsed.
Today we sight read 'March Juno' - ugh... I won't ever start. I'd say we sounded pretty gross today, but a kid in my science class 6th period said we sounded really good.. wow... Well, we had somewhat of a party for Mr. Miles. Mr. Kosko told the kids who wanted cupcakes to line up with 'the superior musicians at the beginning of the line.' Talk about a mess! Several pictures were taken, the kids kinda thinned out after the cupcakes. While the horde of kids got their cupcakes, we were having a strange conversation with Mr. Miles. It eventually came to something like
Mr. Miles: "No, it's not my birthday. Actually, my birthday was last Friday."
Oboe Boy: "How old were you?"
Mr. Miles: "I am still 23."
Oboe Boy: "Then you can buy us beer!"
Mr. Miles "Yeah, man!"
I'd say the teachers best at joking around with the students are the band department and Mr. Greenwood.
During lunch we couldn't loiter around in the band room because Anna Eboch had a challenge. Mr. Kosko told us to hang out on the stairs outside the band and strings rooms, so (at least) Dave, Keller, Nora, Dylan, HK, Paul, Michelle, Mr. Miles and I did. We had a million stupid little arguments and observations, while Mr. Miles was pretty much a spectator. We talked about how a third of the trumpet section was there,(Dylan, Nora, Keller, Me) a something of the flute section, (Michelle, HK, Paul) And a third of the oboe section (Dave.) Eventually HK, Paul, and a bunch of other people went somewhere in the school (HK and Paul went upstairs to their lockers - I decided to follow them) We all met in the intersection to the band room, where Mr. Mark stopped us, make a 'brakes' sound effect, and gave us a cruel and hilarious lecture. I won't say what happened when he turned around, but we all exploded with laughter and dashed to the stairs soon before the challenge ended. Again, go Paul!

Thursday, December 12, 2002
I had several heart attacks today when my trumpet case hit things while I was carrying it. I'm really sorry! I'm being careful but it's hard to dodge everything! We gave Mr. Miles this site's URL today. Tommorrow is the day of reckoning. We sight read 'Shenandoah' today.
Goody! Goody! Fun! Fun! Counting rests all period! Well, nobody can play all the time, but let's see.. it's a 78 measure piece, and we have, written, without combining notes for ties or anything, and excluding cues written in, 59 notes. I saw Amos in the morning, but he wasn't at band, so I had to find his band locker to get the concert folder. I had a swell(heh heh. I never say 'swell') lesson with Terry D today.

Tuesday, December 10, 2002
I'll make this short (maybe not) and sweet(maybe not that either)(and maybe a little rhymey):
Book Fair Concert tonight, be ready by six.
Pick up the lunatic, Amos is no longer being a ditz.
Funny, funny strain, you should have been there.
Someone, and I won't say who, says Mr. Kosko's losing his hair.
I really, really hope that Mr. Miles is staying.
Today at lunch I was left alone in the band room and it's disturbing when no one's playing.
Brought the CD recorded by Terry D.
Allan listened to it and "He's good" says he.
A big turn of events: Amos is talkin to me.
Today's practice was cool; us seveys had some fun.
Amos and Allan exchanged phrases insulting everyone.
Nora laughed at Amos, Sarah called him (names)
I am almost ready to get new frames.
My frames are broken in many a way, my lenses scratched just as bad.
Amazing to think of the kinds of adventures these glasses on my face have had.
Keller, Oboe Boy, and HK were at it
Picking some fights and making some racket.
They swore on their insruments various oaths.
If broken, they'd wake with their feet in their troaths.

Monday, December 9, 2002
NOTE: Today's entry is kinda long. Heh. Well, this is a website obsessed with band and dedicated to The Almighty, Omnipresent, Wise Mr. Kosko.

Because of the two snow days, we didn't get the fundraising orders when we were supposed to (because we weren't at school - ha ha ha), so they came today during band, and we spent most the period bringing them inside in a huge, unorganized mass. I, being rather short, found tall people shoving their way to the front, sticking their long arms out, retrieving the package, rushing it into the orchestra room, and coming back, repeating those steps, but usually just cutting in from the side the second plus times, many, many, many times, very, very fast, were a common thing to see. I was pushed back and forth by the resistence of the mob in both trying to seperate to allow those with the boxes out, and at the same time, trying to fill the gaps and get boxes themselves before anyone else. I eventually wound up, and partly by my own effort to dash through closing holes, at the far left because some people (Including everyone's favorite woodwinds) I knew were there. This was a far more effecient way to get in - cheating. Of course, it wasn't a game, but everyone was treating it like one. The rule: Survival of the Tallest. Only tall people, no matter how strong, were able to push in from the side, and the people in the front were pushed back in a very irregular flow of bodies. I did manage to get a box while there was still a small crowd. The crowd broke up somewhat quickly, and soon it was awe-striking seeing the tiny group of people reaching out for the boxes, the tiny group of people throwing snowballs, the tiny group of people bringing the boxes in, and the incredibly tiny group of people goofing off in the band room. There are, what, 72 kids in our band? It was like half the band was either moving through the cycle like a cheetah, or had ducked out to the parking lot. Eventually the crowd was completely gone, and only half a handful of people, maybe 4 or 5 at the most, were still there, waiting for the last stack of boxes, hidden in the corner, to be brought forth. Through the whole chaotic mess, Tim kept suggestion we pass them back hand-over-hand "." Also, Mr. Miles said he's going to be done with his internship soon and have to leave. If he's lying, it's a cruel joke. If he's not, and to be safe, let's assume he's not (better gullible that sorry), then we have to all give him solstice gifts before the 13th, cause he says he's leaving then. :(
I reminded Mr. Kosko of the cake book I had brought in and that he had to show me which one he picked so my mom could have time to bake all her millions of little cakes because she's a little whack (cool, but whack.) Mr. Miles looked through it, and so I said, heck, go ahead and pick one Mr. Miles. Then I noticed Mr. Pittman, and got him to pick one too. This got me late to science, but who cares? I can just bribe off The Roache (yeah, she switched to Discovery) by making her a cake. Later, I got Mr. Greenwood to pick a cake. Mr. Kosko, Miles, Pittman, and Greenwood all picked cakes on the same page. I guess the latter three just didn't take the time to look through as much as Mr. Kosko, because I originally lent it to him, and gave him time to look through it. Hey, if this is boring you, go somewhere else. And just a small, stupid, band geek note, it turns out Mr. Kosko was keeping the cake book under his podium, where he keeps his mess of holy musical trinkets. Amos actually said something to my face today, but he then said through Allan that it was the first and last time.

Wednesday, December 4, 2002
Amos continued his childish behavior today. He really should stop - especially because of the upcoming concert and the fact that we're stand partners. Today's practise, despite the fact that Amos was still 'excommunicating' me and my lips were still chapped, was very fun. The rehersal began with Nora talking a little sense into Amos. It was really funny to see him make his pityful (pitiful?) little arguments; he claimed the fact that I write in reminders distracts his eye from the music and follows the writing instead. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA! I hope Amos is reading this! You have no idea how funny that was! I wish I had his argument with Nora on tape so I could show it to Mr. Detwiler (Amos, Nora and I all take lessons from him). Here a few slivers of our conversations through Allan; something along the lines of "Allan, tell Amos I used to think he was cool." Amos said something similar to "Well tell Kris I never thought you were cool and never will-" we started playing. "Amos, look at our different peices of music - if we use yours, you sound good. If we use mine, we both sound good." "Yeah you wish- I mean, Allan, tell Kris..." We ran through Big Four, Old Brenton Carol, In the Wake of Spring, Fantasia on 'God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen,' something(s) else I think, and Sleigh Ride in some order.

Tuesday, December 3, 2002
That settles it. I have officially secured my previous wish to move up two chairs so I don't have to sit with Amos. Today he wouldn't talk to me, only through Allan. His arguments were mainly along the lines of 'there are more important things than band' and 'you shouldn't love an inanimate object that much.' I have now been kicked out of the luncchtime dicussion group and I'm glad I have. Now I can spend more time in the band room with the 8th graders. Nora lent me her copy of 'Sleigh Ride' because I wanted to look at a 1st part. Thanks, Nora! Now I can make a copy and practise the 1st part so maybe I'll be better at the challenge (because I usually have bad luck) and move up past Amos. Anyway, on to band! Nothing unusual (stop laughing!).

Monday, December 2, 2002
Aah, the joys of a new Koskoism; "crash crash crash crash CRASH CRASH!" Today Mr. Kosko gave all the kids who forgot their breathing tubes lunch detention, and they were forced to eat lunch in the band room and listen to Barry Manilow. The other kids that always loiter around the band room and I played cards because Mr. Kosko told us to stop playing our instruments. (so the lunch detention kids could suffer) I also got around to bringing in a chocolate cake recipe book that I gave to Mr. Kosko and told him to pick something from. My chromatic tuner had one crazy day. I won't go into depth.

Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Another great thing about being in Symphonic Band, thus 5th period, is that on shortened days, we still get a full practise! What happened today... I'll try to start from the top. I walked into the band room and gave Mr. Kosko some chocolate, ah, heck. I can't remember anything after that except when Amos and I had a big extensive argument, except it wasn't exactly an argument because I made one point, then told him we should be quiet in band, but he wouldn't shut up. He just kept going on because, apparently, some evil yankee monster consumed his intelligent political brain and replaced it with a Republican one. He says I don't care about anything except my trumpet. That's almost true.
Normal day. We ran through Sleigh Ride and played our all district scales. I also got, after nagging Mr. Kosko for 2 days, my copy of Emperata Overture back. Thats the piece that we, the Sudler Band, played at the very end of last year. The last thing we ever played together. I miss all of you folks, can't wait till I get to Woodson. Maybe in a few years (like 3), most of us will have wormed our way into Symphonic at Woodson and will be one of the best bands to ever assemble there. On a lighter note, the Ebochs are fascinated by my Dwarf Rune Chart. I need to find some way to use this to my advantage..........

Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Ack! Allan kept distracting me all of band and Mr. Pittman was video taping us! I screwed up so many times! Another distraction for myself and others around me was the chromatic tuner I brought in for musical purposes only, though we missed a few entrances laughing over Mr. Kosko's voice being 90 cents sharp from a concert F sharp or A or whatever he was talking in.

Monday, November 25, 2002
Ugh. I had sort of bad tone during lunch today.
Normal rehearsal day... More complaints from Mr Kosko the Almighty about how everyone needs to learn their part at home....... LIKE THE SAXAPHONES ACTUALLY PRACTICE!!! Or the third chair Clarinets, or the second chair clarinets, or the Clarinet section as a whole... Well they aren't that bad. Anyways we spent about 40 minutes on the Warm Up, most playing "In the Wake Of Spring". We than worked on "Sleigh Ride", and were released just before the lunch bell rang. Fairly uneventful as a whole.

Friday, November 22, 2002
Today I brought my "Terrance R. Detwiler - From Valley Forge to Washington" CD and a bunch of kids immediatly took a liking to it. This is before any of them had heard it. Of course, Mr. Detwiler being a popular teacher to frost trumpets, some kids in my section had it already. I finally got to play "Concert Etude" at lunch for the other kids, and they all said he's better than me. D'UH!!!!!
We played through Fantasia, Mr Miles made fun of Smitsky again, and we enjoyed Kris's Trumpet CD during lunch. Also the First Chair Clarinets laughed at me (Oboeboy) for no reason. I used to think we were on good terms!!! SOMEBODYS GONNA FIND A BROKEN INSTRUMENT IN THEIR LOCKER ONE DAY!!! Well maybe not, but I am very dissapointed in them.

Thursday, November 21, 2002
Even though I have to meet with Amos and Allan on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch, Amos wasn't here today, and that qualifies for a new rule! A meeting will not take place if all members are not present, for if we should come upon some topic that they have an opinion, we w


What kind of band geek are you?